We, 署名人, desiring to form a corporation pursuant to the provisions of the Membership Corporations Law of the State of New York, 兹证明:


The name of the proposed corporation (hereinafter called the corporation) is the AMERICAN TRANSLATORS ASSOCIATION, 公司.



  1. 倡导和促进对翻译职业的认可.
  2. 制订及维持专业操守、实务及能力标准.
  3. 提高翻译的标准、质量和回报.
  4. 建立互助制度, 包括一个参考图书馆, (三)为会员提供的其他帮助和便利.
  5. 出版期刊, 公告, 通知, 词汇表, 字典, reports and any other publications that may advance translation and the interests of translators.
  6. 促进会员之间的社会和专业关系.
  7. 通过讲座、课程或其他方式组织和支持翻译人员的培训.
  8. 提供与相关专业人士合作的媒介.
  9. 定期举行会议.
  10. To conduct any and all other activities designed to effect and further the above named purposes and to promote the general welfare of the Association and its members.
  11. 接受和维持一笔或多笔资金, 控制和管理这样的基金, 改变其投资, to invest and reinvest the same and the proceeds thereof and to collect and receive the income and profits thereof and therefrom.
  12. To apply the income and principal thereof exclusively to the free and voluntary aid and assistance of organizations, 专门为宗教组织和经营的机关、机构, 慈善, 科学, 文学或教育目的; said funds to be so allocated and maintained in a segregated account and used for no other purpose; no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual, nor part of the activities of which is carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation and which does not participate or distribute or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements) of any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.
  13. 遗赠通过遗赠获得, 设计, 礼物, 购买, 租赁或其他方式, 并保持不变, 为了公司的目的, any property real or personal insofar as the same may be held by a corporation organized under the Membership Corporations Law, 并传达, sell or dispose of such property and to invest and reinvest the principal and deal with and expend the income therefrom in such manner as may be permitted by law.
  14. 公司不得募集资金或捐款.
  15. Nothing herein contained in this certificate shall authorize or empower the corporation to perform or engage in any acts or practices prohibited by Article 22 of the General Business Law or other anti-monopoly statute of this State, or as set forth in Section 11 of the Membership Corporation Law or Section 35 of the Social Welfare Law of the State of New York.


没有官, member or employee of the corporation may receive any pecuniary profit from the operations of the corporation or upon the dissolution of the corporation, except reasonable compensation for services rendered the corporation in effecting one or more of the purposes set forth in Article "SECOND" hereinabove. In the event of voluntary dissolution of the corporation pursuant to the laws of the State of New York, or in the event of dissolution due to such other circumstances as are permitted or required by law, 当时属于该公司的资金和资产应, 在适当支付债务后, be distributed in accordance with the law to the free and voluntary aid and assistance of activities, 机构, 以及专门为宗教组织和运作的机构, 慈善, 科学, 文学或教育目的, 受纽约州法律的约束, no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual, no part of the activities of which is carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, 它不参与, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.


The territory in which the operations of the corporation are principally to be conducted is the State of New York and elsewhere throughout the United States.


就《永利最新网址》第402 (a)(3)条而言, the office of the corporation is to be located in the County of New York in the State of New York.


The number of directors of the corporation shall be provided in the Bylaws of the corporation, 但在任何情况下,董事人数不得少于三人。.


The name and residence of each of the directors of the corporation until the first annual meeting are:




亨利F. 分钟

西奥多·米. Purdy


All of the subscribers to this certificate are of full age; at least two-thirds of them are citizens of the United States; at least one of them is a resident of the State of New York; and of the persons named as directors at least one is a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of New York.


任何人都是任何诉讼的当事人, 诉讼或程序的任何理由,他, 他的遗嘱人或无遗嘱人, 现在或曾经是导演, 官, or employee of the corporation or of any corporation which he served as such at the request of the corporation shall be indemnified by the corporation against the reasonable expenses, 包括律师费, 实际上和必然由他为该行为辩护而招致的, 诉讼或程序, 或与任何上诉有关, 除非涉及应在此种行动中作出裁决的事项, 该官员的诉讼或程序, 董事或雇员在履行职责时有疏忽或不当行为,应负法律责任. The foregoing right of indemnification shall not be deemed exclusive of any other rights to which any 官 of director or employee may be entitled apart from the provisions of this section.


The corporation designates the New York Secretary of State as agent of the corporation upon whom process against the corporation may be served and designates 225 Reinekers Lane, 590套房, 亚历山大, Virginia 22314 as its address to which the New York Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process against the corporation served upon the Secretary of State.


IN WITNESS THEREOF, we have made and subscribed this certificate on this 13th day of July, 1962
